Bhutan Travel Diaries | A Photo Blog

Bhutan Travel Diaries | A Photo Blog
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Bhutan Through My Eyes – A Photo Blog

Current ScenarioStaying at Home, due to the lockdown imposed by the Government of India, to curb the spread of COVID-19 (The Pandemic that has spread like wildfire around the globe ), and making the most out of this Quarantine Life.

This time Last YearReturned back to Delhi, after a memorable 7 Day Road Trip to Bhutan !

As I was sorting out photos of my previous travels on my hard drive, I stumbled across my Bhutan Travel Diaries, and realised that I never really got the time to share a lot of these pictures, as I was busy with back to back travels, back then. 

So heres presenting to you my Bhutan Travel Diaries, which is essentially A Travel Photo Blog.


Bhutan through my eyes - A Photo Blog by Arnav Mathur


To be honest, this was my first trip, where I actually discovered the potential of my camera. I hope you like this Bhutan Photo Blog, and enjoy travelling virtually all the way from the comfort of your homes to Bhutan – The Last Shangri La.


While this is a Photo Blog or basically my Bhutan Travel Diaries, it also serves as a guide for Instagrammers and Photographers to make the most out of their trip to Bhutan, as I have first mentioned the main Instagrammable Locations in Bhutan which includes the Tiger’s Nest, the Buddha Dordenma, Dochu La Pass, the Punakha Suspension Bridge and the various Dzongs of Bhutan; followed by my photo series of the People of Bhutan, and of the Paro Tsechu.


PS – I sincerely hope and pray that the World heals soon from the wrath of Coronavirus or COVID – 19, and we are able to travel again, like free-birds. However, until then, STAY HOME – STAY SAFE, and make the most of this Quarantine period, by doing some awesome things at home. If you need any inspiration, about what to do at home, check out these

30+ Awesome Creative Things You Can Do from the comforts of your Home.



Top Instagrammable Locations in Bhutan


Tiger’s Nest

Tiger’s Nest or Taktsang Lhakang in Bhutan, located 10 km north of Paro, at an altitude of 10, 000 feet, is Bhutan’s most iconic landmark, and one of the most Instagrammable locations in Bhutan. Tiger’s Nest or Taktsang, constructed back in 1692, is located on a cliff about 3000 feet above Paro Valley, with the temple being one of the most important holy sites in the kingdom. A hike to the Tiger’s Nest in Paro is a 100% must thing to do in Bhutan, and trust me, the 2 hours of hike up is definitely rewarding.


The legend says that Guru Rinpoche flew to the site atop the back of a tigress and meditated in the cave for 3 years, 3 months, 3 days and 3 hours in order to subdue evil demons residing within it. The cave has been considered a sacred site ever since and many famous saints have travelled to meditate in it.


A Hike up to the Tiger’s Nest is undoubtedly one of the Top 10 Things To Do in Bhutan, among others like witnessing a festival/tsechu in Bhutan, sending a post card from the Thimphu Post Office, experiencing the vibrant night life in Paro and Thimphu and of course visiting an artisanal brewery overlooking the Paro Airstrip.



Buddha Dordenma

One of the most iconic structures in Thimphu, Bhutan is the 169 feet bronze statue of Buddha Dordenma. This Vajra Throne Buddha is located in the Kuenselphodrang Nature Park and is one of the largest statues of Buddha in the world.


Buddha Dordenma - Bhutan Photo Blog by Arnav Mathur


The hill top location provides a panoramic view of Thimphu and some amazing photography subjects. 



Dochu La Pass

Dochu La Pass, a popular pit stop for tourists, travelling from Thimphu to Punakha and vice versa, offers amazing 360 degree panoramic views of the Himalayan ranges, making it one of the best Instagrammable locations in Bhutan.


The highlights of Dochu La Pass are definitely the 108 memorial chortens / stupas also known as the ‘Druk Wangyal Chortens’. The 108 memorial stupas were built in memory of the 108 Bhutanese soldiers who were killed in the 2003 battle against separatist insurgent groups during the first ever operation “Operation all Clear”conducted by the Royal Bhutan Army.


The 108 chortens at Dochu La Pass - Bhutan Photo Blog by Arnav Mathur




Punakha Suspension Bridge

The Punakha Suspension Bridge spans 160 – 180 m across the river Po Chu, is the longest bridge of Bhutan, and is draped with prayer flags all along, and provides a panoramic view of the valley.



Tip – Rather than rushing to go from one end to the other, go to the middle and just enjoy the beauty of nature, and when the number of people on the bridge start getting less, take out your cameras, and get those Instaworthy shots.




Streets of Thimphu

If you have an eye for detail, the streets of Thimphu are full of such interesting subjects.



The Dzongs of Bhutan

Monasteries in Bhutan are known as Dzongs or goembas, pronounced very differently from the Tibetan equivalent, gompa. They provide the necessary solitude for both study and meditation. Usually built on rocky buttresses or on a remote hillside. The architecture is massive in style with towering exterior walls surrounding a complex of courtyards, temples, administrative offices, and monks’ accommodation.


In Bhutan, Dzongs serve as the religious, military, administrative, and social centers of their district. They are often the site of an annual tsechu or religious festival.


The most popular Dzongs that you should visit are the Rinpung Dzong or Paro Dzong, Punakha Dzong, Simtokha Dzong (Thimphu) and Tasichho Dzong (Thimphu) – which has been the seat of the Government of Bhutan since 1952.



Tashichho Dzong

Thimphu Dzong or the Tashichho Dzong, is the largest Dzong in Bhutan, and also the seat of the office of the King of Bhutan

Thimphu Dzong - Bhutan Photo Blog by Arnav Mathur


Simtokha Dzong

Simtokha Dzong is an important historical monument and a former Buddhist monastery, and today it houses one of the premier Dzongkha language learning institutes.


Paro Dzong

Paro Dzong, or the Rinpung Dzong is a large dzong of the Drukpa Lineage of the Kagyu school in Paro District, Bhutan, and  houses the district Monastic Body and government administrative offices of Paro Dzongkhag.


Paro Dzong - Bhutan Photo Blog by Arnav Mathur


Punakha Dzong

Punakha Dzong is the second oldest and second largest dzong in Bhutan, and it was the religious and administrative centre of Bhutan until 1950, when the capital moved to Thimphu.




The People of Bhutan – A Photo Series

Bhutan literally has the happiest people in the world, and the kids are the cutest. See for yourself, in these portraits that I managed to capture, during my entire 7 Day Road Trip to Bhutan, back in March 2019.

Bhutanese people are some of the friendliest people that you’ll ever meet, and don’t mind being clicked. 

PS – All these pictures were taken with due permission.


Also, if you are a Travel Photographer, you might find these 23 Travel Photography Tips to take better Travel Photos, to be of good help to you.











Paro Tsechu – A Photo Series

Featuring dances performed by trained monks and laymen in amazing masks and costumes, Tsechus (festivals) are one of the best ways to experience the ancient living culture of Bhutan, and get some really Instagrammable Shots of the people of Bhutan. A Tsechu is a Buddhist festival in honour of Guru Rinpoche, the saint who brought Buddhism to Bhutan.


The tshechu involves a series of dances, held over three days, to honour Guru Rinpoche. The timing of the event varies by district and from temple to temple, but are always held on the 10th day of a month in the Bhutanese calendar, a day dedicated to Guru Rinpoche.


Heres some of the best shots, of my Bhutan Travel Diaries, that I managed to capture from my camera, during Paro Tsechu 2019.



Paro Tsechu - Bhutan Photo Blog by Arnav Mathur





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I hope you enjoyed travelling virtually all the way to Bhutan, through my eyes, from the comfort of your homes.

You might also want to check out some other articles featuring my Bhutan Travel Diaries written by me :

The 7 Day Bhutan Itinerary

10 Things to Do in Bhutan – The Last Shangri La


And if you liked my work, I will be really thankful if you could